
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Craft: along : September

Dear Donk,

I think I promised someone that there'd be something new and different amongst this month's projects, so I hope I don't disappoint. I ended up going back on a project I originally wanted to do because, well, I couldn't picture doing it anymore.

I'm just that fickle sometimes and since it's all about me, I couldn't be putting the project out there knowing that I, myself, had no interest in it anymore. Make sense?

Just don't hate me for being absurd sometimes - that's all I ask.

Anyway - to get back on track, let's go to our August winner, Ms. askercado, who created these lovely green patchworked placemats with some impressive stitchery skill to which I will aspire.

The straight lines. The perfect stitchery. It's all just too much.

Seriously, friend, WTF? That's hot. I don't even want to think about what any patchworked placemats I made would look like. Which is why I baked cookies. *Sigh* But this is about YOU.

You and your sweet ass placemats and WOO your sweet ass prize!

So, missy, please send me your full name and address to finnyknits AT gmail DOT com and when Gmail is done being haunted (it no sendy right now - sadness), I will get your prize together and ship it off to you. Congrats!

Now, for the pseudo new and different projects for this month...

(Don't forget to post your project to the pool by 9/30 so that maybe you get picked as the winner. That's what we all want, right? To have our greatness confirmed by way of link love and prizes? Indeed.)

For the stitchers, we have two choices:

1. The always useful and soon to be my fall/winter laptop conveyance device: The Covered Canvas Tote.

The stash is quaking in its boots right now because it knows I'm coming for it. Also, my stash wears boots.

2. The always useful and soon to be Jada's fall/winter poop bag conveyance device: The Doggie Poop Bag Pouch.

This is not Jada. This is Jada.

And for the bakers, there's but one project. Because when berries are in season, one really only needs a single project: The Berry Buckle.

In case you couldn't guess, I will be making these with blackberries. You feel free to do the same OR DIFFERENT. It's about you now.

And that, friends, is all I have up my sleeve right now. I mean, I'm wearing a tank top so technically don't *have* sleeves, so I'm thinking this is a pretty good show. For a sleeveless gal.

Wow. I need a nap.



  1. I was so confused about the dog poop thing I had to click on the link, where I learned that OH, one puts a plastic baggie in there. One does not try to stuff the dog's poop in that little pouch.

    I'm a little slow sometimes.

  2. Hahaha -- I was thinking along Kristin's lines -- stuff the poop into that little pouch. Way to teach your doggie not to go on his daily walk. Too bad it doesn't work that way LOL!!!

  3. I'm embarrassed to say how excited I am about making the dog poop bag holder. It's a brilliant idea! I can't believe I didn't think about something like that sooner.

  4. OK, I was so excited when I, too, came across the converted tote bag idea the other day. Apparently, though, my bags also wear boots, because I don't have not a one in this house. Huh? How can that be? How long has it been since I've attended a boring conference, anyway?

    Mmm...berry buckle.... Let's see if there are any berries left in my tiny freezer.

  5. Congratulations to the August winner, her project creation is wonderful.

    I quite like all three of the September challenges, maybe I'll do all of them. Comments left about the dog poop project make me laugh. I don't have a dog, but I can make one for my sister who has two puppies. She'll appreciate it.

  6. Inspiring projects this month! I am impressed and will attempt to participate. See, I've stopped declaring I will participate because then I feel like an ass when I don't do it and think about it for a month. But that quicky easy tote has me thinking about this 5am sleepless mama haivng something to occupy time over coffee...


[2013 update: You can't comment as an anonymous person anymore. Too many douchebags were leaving bullshit SPAM comments and my inbox was getting flooded, but if you're here to comment in a real way like a real person, go to it.]

Look at you commenting, that's fun.

So, here's the thing with commenting, unless you have an email address associated with your own profile, your comment will still post, but I won't have an email address with which to reply to you personally.

Sucks, right?

Anyway, to remedy this, I usually come back to my posts and post replies in the comment field with you.

But, if you ever want to email me directly to talk about pumpkins or shoes or what it's like to spend a good part of your day Swiffering - shoot me an email to finnyknitsATgmailDOTcom.
