
Friday, August 29, 2008

Had I known there would be cocktails...

30 has arrived and there's drinks!

What's not to love?

Have a great August 29th, all.



  1. Happy birthday! I'll raise my own G&DT (gin & DIET tonic, doncha know) in a cross-country birthday salute to you. When I start drinking. Which is not now, because it's only 2:30.

  2. Happy Birthday and welcome to the Grown-up Club.

    Cocktails are just the beginning - the really good stuff is just ahead!

  3. Happy Happy Birthday to you Ms. Finny. Hope you have a great one. I, too, will have a drink in your honor and not just because it's friday!

  4. Happy Breathday to you
    Happy Breathday to you
    Happy Breathday dear, weird, funny, crafty, amazing, wonderful, talented, sweet Finny
    Happy Breathday to you

  5. Happy Freakin Birthday! I remember 30. It's when Jeff started claiming that I was middle-aged, the wise ass.

  6. Happy 30th and many more (you, young one).

  7. Welcome to my age range! Just remember that being sick off cocktails is infinitely more embarrassing than when you're 20!

  8. Happy, Happy Birthday Finny!!!

  9. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAve a great one! (and one for me!)

  10. Happy, happy birthday. I remember that was long, long ago...

  11. Tanti auguri, Finn-ina. Spero che hai ricevuto il buono per le scarpe. Ho mandato il tuo regalo ieri. Baci, cara, ci vediamo presto!! Non vedo l'ora!

  12. Happy 30th bday sis! Hope you're having a lovely evening -- you'll have to let me know what it feels like to be 30. :) tonight i'm drinking strawberry jarritos in your honor. xoxo --

  13. Happy Birthday! It just keeps getting better and better!

  14. Happy Birthday!! And, as a happy member in good standing of the 30s Club, let me welcome you. I think you'll like it here.

    Enjoy the rest of your celebration weekend!

  15. Happy Birthday! I can't believe I'm older than you. You seem much more grown up than me.

  16. Happy Belated B-day!!!

  17. HOORAY!

    Why drinks and Citrus and presents no doubt? Fantastic, Salut!

    Happy Birthday Miss Finny!

  18. Diane up there must be high. I wish I was JUST TURNING 30!!! Happy Birthday, Fin!

  19. Happy Birthday! I know you're going to love the three-oh club! Enjoy!
    Do you have any good zucchini recipes? I am about to be swallowed up in over abundance.

  20. Happy Birthday! Don't think I'm weird, but I thought of you over the weekend. I went to Yamagami's (where they are having a 60 year anniversary sale, new deal every day for 60 days) and I thought hmm.. I wonder if Finny's here?

  21. Happy Birthday! ~D


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Look at you commenting, that's fun.

So, here's the thing with commenting, unless you have an email address associated with your own profile, your comment will still post, but I won't have an email address with which to reply to you personally.

Sucks, right?

Anyway, to remedy this, I usually come back to my posts and post replies in the comment field with you.

But, if you ever want to email me directly to talk about pumpkins or shoes or what it's like to spend a good part of your day Swiffering - shoot me an email to finnyknitsATgmailDOTcom.
