
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

InStitches April

Dear Donk,

Did you say "sew your own clothes"?

Um, yes please.

Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of garment patterns in this book, BUT, I have had my eye on those Wide Leg Lounge Pants. Sans Mr. Crazy Legs sitting on the toi, of course. (Maybe he would like a pair of pants, too? Just a thought.)

Anyway, let's call them the April project and you can decide on a twisty theme to keep it spicy, k?

Meanwhile, the Flickr pool is positively blowin' up! I ogled every single clutch and must say that I'm feeling a special brand of kinship with the other Magnetic Snappers and Removable Strappers. I won't lie either, there were moments of definite fabric remorse. I mean, I really like the fabric I used, but MAN, some of those bags are HOT.

Phew. *Sweaty*

BTW: That Blue Sky Hat is so made for my sunny days in the garden. Right now my greasy cowboy hat is not quite cutting it. And when blackberry picking season comes? What will I do? I will wear my Blue Sky Hat, that's what. I'm all the way excited to get started on these nuggets. Which reminds me - I have a little extra credit idea in mind for our InStitches~alongers...let's discuss.

Alright, I'm going to start lusting over this month's project. *Drool*


P.S. Thank you, Ms. Fabulously Supportive Runner Woman Who Talked Me Through My Whole Training For The 10K. Simply could not have done it without you.

P.P.S. Velcro sucks.

P.P.P.S. Still wuv you.


  1. You know I am going to live in those pants all summer long in this damn heat, don't you?
    We must agree to disagree in Velcro. But I am right there with you on this selection. WOO HOO!!
    Themes...hmmm.... I'm thinking you must add a creative stitch. Either with your machine or a bit of embroidery. What do you think?

  2. Woo Hoo! I was hoping for the pants - I've nearly worn through the ass of my favorite pajama bottoms! (Nice theme idea, there, Kelli.)

    And I've still got my bag cut out, waiting (with magnetic clasp and strap) to be sewn together. ::sigh:: One of these days. One of these days....

  3. Does that man have any hair on his body?? Hmm...

  4. yes, I was hoping for the pants too! I'm a pajama kind of girl and now I have an excuse to wear them all day long damnit! If I'm going to make them, I'm going to wear them everywhere!

  5. Kell - Yes, I imagine I will do a fair amount of living in those pants this summer, too. I might go out on a limb though and make them into capris instead of pants - YOU NEVER KNOW! But I like the creative stitch theme - that's fun and I need to practice my embroidery anyway.

    Velcro, smelcro - I promise not to laugh when you riiiiiiiiiip your purse flap open ;)

    laeroport - I expect to see some sweet pj pants from you, hotstuff. No assless chaps, please.

    Beckie - No. He is Powder.

    Katie Jean - I say wear them with pride everywhere you go. Perhaps you make them to match your clutch and you can call it an outfit. ;)

  6. Yay! I'm in the process of tossing out all my "schlumpadega" jammies for spring cleaning and will need some new togs. Maybe we should all post our pics of the pants doing serious lounging. I've got some back porch time and a nice gin and tonic or two planned for my new pants.

  7. Perfect - I was hoping for the pj pants! Yay! Now for some fabric shopping.

  8. Hurray! I love PJ pants! Can't wait to see if I can make something that I can actually wear! Kelli - great theme idea. I have a fancy schmancy machine and I don't think i've ever used the fancy stitches on a project yet!

  9. I SO wish I could make this stuff that you all so craftily (?) create every month. Can I pay someone to make ME loungey pants???

  10. Hi
    I am just joining and I cant wait to start! Everyones clutches looked so great!

  11. Yippeee! I have lurking for a while with a too many other projects on the top of the pile that haven’t been able to join in, but I now I will have to join in! I have been loving the look of these PJ pants ever since I got the book! The Capri length is a fab idea too!

  12. I want to join! I want to join! How do I join?

  13. leslie - you and I are cut from the same cloth, my dear. I think the Loungy Photos are a great idea. I, too, will be doing so with a G&T in my hand.

    Colleen - I can't wait to see what you come up with! I'm so glad everyone is stoked on the pants. You never really know, you know?

    Lynn - Show us the fancy, please.

    Dirka - You sure you don't want to try to sew a pair? C'moooooon!

    Melissa - It's about time. I mean, come on. Can't wait to see your first project :)

    Melisa - Lurker! So glad to have you aboard. Perhaps you will join me in making these capri length. We're such rebels!

    The Steph - You're in luck, we've stopped the Institches hazing rituals. All you have to do is get the pattern book (Amy Butler's InStitches), finish the project of the month (this month, Wide Leg Lounge Pants) and then post photos of your project to the InStitches Flickr pool. And to your own blog if you so desire. We choose monthly winners at random and Amy Butler herself will be choosing the grand prize winner in December from all the monthly winners. Get sewing, please!

  14. Okay...I'm finally going to get off my lazy tushie and make these!! I've slacked on the last two month's projects...but I SO need some new PJ pants - I will definitely be making mine capris:):) to find some suitable fabric in my stash for these:):)

  15. I love that project, good choice!
    I've made pajama pants for the kids many times, now it's my turn! (and I want capris too!)


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